September 2021


Dizza Aliftsa Agus, a student of the International Relations study program at the Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) and Jean Nursyahbani Ninkeula, a student of the Office Administration study program for the Vocational Program were selected to be the Main Outstanding Student at the University of Indonesia (UI) 2020. The UI Directorate of...
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A number of artists became examiners and lecturers in various classes held by the Public Relations Study Program, Vocational Education Program, University of Indonesia (UI), and the UI Directorate of Student Affairs during the Distance Learning (PJJ) period at UI. “Dian Sastrowardoyo, Yoris Sebastian, Shanty C. Harmayn, are practical teachers at the UI Vocational Public...
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The Directorate of Student Affairs at the University of Indonesia (Ditmawa UI) together with the Student Activity Unit (UKM) at UI and the Depok24Jam Community again carried out Phase 2 of the State Service Action. In this action, food aid packages were handed over to residents around UI who were affected by the COVID-19 pandemic....
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The Directorate of Student Affairs held a building design competition for the Directorate of Student Affairs and the Student Activity Center Development Building (Pusgiwa) since June 2014. From this competition, the Directorate of Student Affairs received two of the best designs (first place and second winner) which will be considered by the UI Chancellor to realize the construction. . The first winner in this design competition was a team consisting of Rafael Arsono, Amelia Miranti, August Rudyanto, and Farizky Astrawinata. Meanwhile, the team that won second place consisted of Achmad Noerzaman, Marcus Claymant, Evan Persadagubta, Febrian Adinata, and Rahmi Yulviastari. The new Pusgiwa building is planned to be built at the location of the Pusgiwa old building with an expanded area. A new building for the Directorate of Student Affairs will also be erected in the area. Pusgiwa was built in 1989. UI only had approximately 15 student activity units (UKM) at that time. Along with the increasing number of students and the development of UKM and student organizations at UI, there is a need for more adequate facilities. This is what underlies the planning for the construction of the Pusgiwa new building. “Just compare it with today, where there are 45 SMEs. Not to mention the number of UI students which continues to grow every year. It's not balanced," said Nanda, a representative from the Directorate of Student Affairs. The construction of a new building for the Directorate of Student Affairs in the Pusgiwa area is carried out for the benefit of students. The location of the building adjacent to the Directorate of Student Affairs and Pusgiwa can make it easier for SMEs and student organizations to take care of licensing administration. The plan is that this new building will be used as a student spot center in addition to the existing spot center in the UI Library. “So, we want to make this Pusgiwa a place for students to gather, discuss, and engage in activities, both in the fields of reasoning, sports, and art. Therefore, we want the new Pusgiwa area to be completely complete in terms of facilities,” explained Nanda. In the new Pusgiwa building, there will be a storage room for UKM equipment, a student organization meeting room, a room for dance and dance practice, choir practice, theater practice, and a performance room with a capacity of 400-500 people. This building will be built with an area of ​​2400 m2. Other facilities include an open field area for marching band exercises and other UKM activities, prayer rooms, toilets, canteens, and the Student Health Center (PKM). "In the design there is also a room that we have prepared for a mini market, bookstore, IT room, and robotic center," added Nanda. In assessing the design, the Directorate of Student Affairs emphasizes the aspects of maintainability, safety, and the reference lines that have been made by the Directorate of Student Affairs. In addition, the Directorate of Student Affairs requires a bridge to connect the new Pusgiwa building area and the Rectorate area. To facilitate access, UI plans to provide a yellow bus route that passes through the Pusgiwa new building area. "So that later the new Pusgiwa area will really become a proper spot center for UI students," concluded Nanda. (WND)