
Program IISMA


Government of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students on mobility program at top universities overseas. Undergraduate students spend up to one semester (approx. 16 w) at university partner to study, experience host country culture, and do practical assignments to hone their skills. Centrally managed by Directorate General of Higher Education, Kemdikbud (Ministry of Education and Culture or MoEC) Open for undergraduate students from all Indonesian higher education institutions. Objectives: Facilitate Indonesian students to gain knowledge and skills exchange ideas and culture, and build network with their peers, academics, and international community overseas.

About This Program

Indonesian International Student Mobility Awards is the Government of Republic of Indonesia scholarship scheme to fund Indonesian students for mobility program at top Universities overseas. Undergraduate students could spend one semester (4-6 months) at the overseas partner university to study courses outside their major, to develop intercultural communication and leadership skills, to experience the host country’s culture and to develop international network.

The scheme is centrally managed by Directorate General of Higher Education, Research and Technology (DGHERT), Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (MoECRT) and is open for undergraduate students from all Indonesian higher education institutions under DGHERT.

Persyaratan Dokumen
Masuk menggunakan SSO UI
Mengisi formulir pendaftaran pada FORM PENDAFTARAN IISMA 2022 dilengkapi dengan upload dokumen di bawah ini:
Mengisi surat pernyataan mengikuti program IISMA
Menyerahkan transkrip nilai terakhir (Transkrip Nilai sudah di Legalisir dari Fakultas)
Menyerahkan surat rekomendasi dari Dekan
Menyerahkan surat rekomendasi dari Pembimbing Akademik
Menyerahkan surat pernyataan Kewarganegaraan Indonesia
Sertifikat tes TOEFL IBT/IELTS/ Duolingo

Setelah mengisi google form diatas, seluruh calon pendaftar wajib mengirimkan seluruh dokumen pendukung diatas dalam bentuk PDF.

Required Documents
Prepare the required documents below before you apply!
Recommendation letter signed by Head of International Office on behalf of Vice Rector of Academic Affairs
English proficiency certificate (IELTS/TOEFL-iBT/Duolingo).
Academic transcript (in English).
Declaration of Non-Enrollment in A Physical/Non-Online International Student Mobility/Exchange Program.
Declaration of Clearance from Narcotic, Psychotropic, or other addictive substance.
Declaration of Non-Involvement in Sexual Violence.


Program IISMA Angkatan 2

Sosialisasi IISMA Angkatan 2